If you are looking for affordable ways to have dental work done, then you might be thinking about heading to a local dental school. This is a common suggestion for those who are looking to save money, but although it can be a good idea for some people, it's not always the best choice. Instead, you might find that going to your family dentist to have your dental work done is a much better idea. These are a few reasons why.
It Can Be Much More Time-Consuming
For one thing, you have to realize that if you have your dental work done at a dental school, it might be much more time-consuming. After all, the person who will be doing the dental work will probably be a student who is still learning, so he or she might not be able to work as quickly as an efficient, experienced dentist. If you are someone who doesn't like to spend any more time in the dental chair than necessary, or if you just have a really busy schedule, you could find that going to a dental school isn't going to be the best course of action.
You May Have to Travel
If you live in an area where there is a university with a dental school, then you might be able to have your dental work done near your home. If you do not live in a college town, however, you may have to travel to another city to have your dental work done at a dental school. If you have a nearby family dentist, however, you can get the work done without having to leave your town.
Services are Often Limited
Many dental schools are quite limited in the services that they provide. Even though you might be able to go to a dental school for basic X-rays, cleanings and other simple services, you may not be able to get help with things like implant dentistry. Depending on what you want or need to have done to your teeth, you might have to go to a regular dental practice instead.
As you can see, going to a dental school is not always the best option for seeking dental treatment. In many cases, going to a family dentist is a much better option. Luckily, many family dentists offer financing options or will help set up a schedule for dental services based on your budget, so it can still be a more wallet-friendly option than you might think.