How You Can Prolong Your Professional Dental Cleaning

To keep your teeth in their best shape, you need to have regular dental cleanings. Dental cleanings help prevent decay and gum disease. A dental cleaning is a deep cleaning to get plaque and tartar buildup off your teeth. The cleaning also makes sure you do not have any problems with your teeth.

A fresh dental cleaning feels nice and leaves your teeth feeling especially refreshed. There are some ways to prolong the feeling of your freshly cleaned teeth. Here are some tips:

Eat a Healthy Diet

To prolong your dental cleaning, one thing you can do is eat a healthier diet. Certain foods can help keep your teeth clean. This includes some fruits and vegetables like celery, carrots, and apples. These crunchy foods help develop more saliva in your mouth. Saliva is a natural cleaning agent that helps keep cavities away.

Dairy foods and other foods high in calcium are also good for your teeth. This includes milk, yogurt, cheese, broccoli, and spinach. Protein is also great for your teeth. You can enjoy meat, eggs, nuts while also adding phosphorus to your diet.

Try to decrease your sugar intake. Sugar promotes the growth of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria and sugar cause plaque formation. Sugar hides in many foods, so be sure to check the labels of foods you eat.

Keep Up with Your Oral Hygiene Routine

To keep your teeth feeling cleaner longer after a professional cleaning, you need to maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine. Even when your teeth feel fresh and clean after a cleaning, you still need to brush and floss daily. Make sure you are brushing your teeth at different angles to get all sides of your teeth. Use gentle pressure as you brush in small strokes to get each tooth clean. You should also brush in a vertical direction to ensure you get the tooth completely clean. Try not to overbrush your teeth, however. This can cause issues with your gum health. Flossing is important because it removes anything that is leftover after you brush. You cannot get all particles and plaque off your teeth with brushing alone. Plaque contains a lot of bacteria that eats away at tooth enamel. Flossing also helps keep your breath fresh.

Chew Gum

Although it seems counterintuitive, you can chew gum to help keep your teeth clean. Chewing helps create saliva. The key is to choose a sugarless gum to avoid excess sugar intake.

About Me

Tooth Pain and Gum Inflammation: Get Answers Here

About seven months ago, my gums began to bleed whenever I brushed my teeth. At first, I didn't think much about the blood, as it was only a small amount at the time. But as time passed, my gums began to bleed a lot, even when I didn't brush my teeth. I also experienced a weird taste in my mouth that made my breath smell foul. My sister suggested that I make an appointment with a dentist. She recognized the signs of gum disease and knew that if I didn't seek treatment now, the disease would only get worse. I took my sister's advice and visited a local dentist. The dentist diagnosed me with advanced gum disease and began treatment immediately. If you notice strange things happening in your mouth, don't ignore them. My blog can help you learn more about your oral health and how to protect it. Thanks.



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