Root canals have an unfortunate and undeserved reputation as a painful dental procedure, which causes many people to hesitate getting one. The truth, however, is that a standard root canal procedure is quick, painless, and has a number of benefits that are hard to ignore. If you're unfamiliar with the many reasons you may benefit from getting a root canal, keep reading below to discover some of the most important ones.
Getting Rid of an Infection
A root canal is recommended to patients by their dentist because they are experiencing (or at immediate risk of experiencing) an infection. More than anything else, a root canal serves to remove the infected pulp beneath the surface of your tooth. Whether this infection was caused by decay, damage, or something else, it should be treated as soon as possible to prevent its spread, which will ultimately lead to more serious medical complications.
Relieving Terrible Pain
One of the biggest reasons people bring up a possibility of a root canal with their dentist has to do with the pain they are suffering. This pain may come in the form of pain in the affected tooth itself or more general swelling and soreness in the surrounding gums. It may also involve sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. A root canal usually involves nothing more than mild discomfort, so if you're looking for quick pain relief, a root canal may be in order.
Getting Back to "Normal"
Whatever your normal day-to-day life looks like, a root canal is unlikely to interrupt it in a major way. The procedure and follow-up can be performed so quickly and easily, in fact, that you may be able to attend a class or work meeting later in the day. While eating crunchy, sticky, or chewy foods is discouraged until your dentist has confirmed that the root canal has totally healed, you will nonetheless be able to enjoy your life post-root canal much more than if you had tried to live by managing the pain.
Setting a Healthy Foundation
Root canals often serve as the foundation for other procedures your dentist may deem necessary. If your dentist has recommended a filling, crown, or bridge, then they may want to first perform a root canal before doing any other restorative work. Because of this, one of the biggest benefits of root canals is that they serve as an easy, pain-free foundation for better dental health going forward.